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At 15

There is an adage that says, "Out of the Mouth of Babes...", I have never heard the end of that adage, but nearly everyone knows that when it is spoken, that the implications is, is that some sort of ironic truth is going to come forth.

Well, as much as I find the sayings of kids to be cute and sometimes insightful, that there is something to be said for wisdom that can only come with age and experience. So, here are some key things to think about from Tiffany Robertson.

What would I tell my 15 yr. old self?
I spent a good amount of time thinking this over, and when I was first asked this question, I thought that it would be an easy answer. As I began to think about it, I realized that this is really difficult. This is a tough question because surely there is advice I would give my 15 yr old self, but I also want to leave room for chance, mistakes and risks, individual learning and growth, as well as, I don’t want to discourage my 15 yr old self. So being 27 and looking back now, here’s the advice I’d give myself 12 yrs ago.

Things never go as planned.
I mean that in every aspect of life. That doesn’t mean that you give up or that you don’t plan. It simply means to develop a flexible plan and be open to change and challenges.

It’s okay to work.
Work hard and learn as much as possible on a job. Your reputation is everything. Do the job and do it w/ a positive mindset and focus on learning. Think, what I will teach others, and what can they teach me? Learn the job and become an expert at it; develop new skill sets. Work well with others and be friendly with others. Yes, you came to work to make money, but it’s even better when you make a friend or two along the way.
Don’t over work. You don’t have to work overtime and every holiday. Earning money is nice and teaches responsibility, but your youth is limited. Balance work with your schooling, after school activities, and personal life because you have the rest of your life to work, and earn a living.